Full Mouth Dental Implants – How Long Do They Last?

Imagine a life without worrying about whether or not you can eat certain foods or if your dentures will come loose. Full mouth dental implants give you a natural-looking, functional smile and can dramatically improve your quality of life.

After numbing the area with a local anaesthetic, a dentist makes a small incision to gain access to the jawbone. A titanium implant post is inserted, and the site is sutured closed.

full mouth dental implant

They Look and Feel Like Real Teeth

Full mouth dental implants look and feel so natural that it’s often hard for even the patient to tell they are artificial teeth. This is because the teeth are designed to look like your own natural teeth and to blend into the gum tissue.

They’ll be custom made for your mouth, so they will be shaped and colored to fit perfectly into your smile. They will also be constructed to look similar in size to your other natural teeth, so they won’t stand out too much from the rest of your smile. In addition, they’ll be anchored in place to make it easy for you to chew and talk as you normally would.

It’s important to remember that, as with any type of tooth replacement, there will be an adjustment period. However, this shouldn’t last very long. Over time, you’ll begin to forget that your implant is not a real tooth and will simply feel like the natural one in your mouth.

Unlike other tooth replacement solutions, dental implants preserve your jaw bone and promote the growth of new bone in the area of the missing tooth. This is essential for maintaining the health of your jaw and smile. This is because the bone in your jaw needs regular stimulation to maintain its strength and health. Dental implants are the only restoration that offer this vital feature.

When you choose to get a set of full mouth dental implants, you’ll benefit from the unique ability to eat all of your favorite foods with complete confidence. This is because your new teeth will be anchored in place and won’t slip around when you’re eating or talking.

At your initial consultation, we will perform a comprehensive examination of your teeth and jaw bones to determine whether you are a good candidate for this treatment. We will then go over the surgical and restorative options available to you. At Southland Dental Care, we only use Straumann implants, which are considered the highest quality implants in the industry. If you are a candidate for a full mouth implant denture, we will discuss the process with you in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

They Retain Your Facial Profile

Having teeth that function properly and aesthetically is crucial to maintaining healthy and confident smiles. This is especially true for people with severe tooth decay, significant gum disease or chronic bruxism. These conditions can leave patients with a number of problems that affect their ability to eat, speak and interact with others. In addition, they can significantly affect a person’s facial profile and appearance, as well as reduce self-esteem.

Full mouth dental implants offer a permanent solution to these issues and can restore your smile, confidence and quality of life. Dental implants are metallic anchors made from biocompatible materials that fuse with the jawbone over time to create a strong foundation for replacement teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants have a more natural feel and won’t slip or fall out. They also don’t need to be removed for cleaning like traditional dentures, making them more convenient.

When you’re missing multiple teeth, it can cause your remaining natural teeth to shift or drop down into the empty space. This can cause TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) pain, change your face shape and affect the structure of your smile. Full mouth dental implants prevent this from happening by replacing the root of each missing tooth with a titanium implant. Dental implants also prevent the bone deterioration that can occur in the area of missing teeth, which is called atrophic jawbone.

Another advantage of full mouth dental implants is that they can be placed in a manner that doesn’t alter your bite. Depending on the type of restoration you choose, your dentist will create a custom-designed replacement that fits over your new implant and preserves your natural dental architecture.

If you’re considering getting full mouth dental implants, it’s important to consult a specialist in the field. During the consultation process, your specialist will evaluate your mouth and determine if you have enough healthy jawbone to support implants. They may also perform imaging scans, such as a CT scan or an x-ray, to get more detailed information about your jawbone density and location. These images can cost between $25 and $200, but are important for creating a personalized treatment plan.

They’re Straightforward to Clean

The good news is that you can keep your dental implants for a lifetime by simply maintaining good hygiene habits. This includes avoiding smoking and alcohol and brushing and flossing on a daily basis to get rid of harmful bacteria that cause infections and other issues.

In most cases, cleaning your teeth with a regular toothbrush and dental floss is sufficient, but you may need to use an interdental brush once or twice daily to clean the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth where food particles may hide. You should also floss with unwaxed dental tape or a water flosser at least once or twice a day to ensure you’re getting rid of all the food and bacteria that might otherwise lead to infection.

If you need help reaching hard-to-reach spots of your mouth, you can also invest in an oral irrigator, commonly known as a “waterpik.” This device shoots out a stream of water to remove bacteria that you may have missed when flossing. It’s easy to use and provides a more thorough clean than just brushing alone.

Some swelling and bruising is to be expected following your procedure, but you can help minimize these effects by taking it easy for the first couple of days and using an ice pack (or even just a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel) applied to the side of your face where your implants were placed, 20 minutes on, 10 minutes off.

You should also avoid foods that are difficult to chew or are high in sugar and acids, which can erode the base of your implants, weaken them and etch away the crown, eventually leading to them failing. Stick to a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals and you’ll find that your dental implants last for life and continue to look great. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t need to be removed for cleaning, but it is important to visit your dentist once or twice a year for routine cleanings and inspections. This helps prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar that can cause infections that could lead to dental implant failure.

They Last a Lifetime

The longevity of your full mouth dental implants depends on various factors including how you use and care for your new teeth. The best thing you can do to help your implants last is maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine, brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly. This will remove harmful bacteria from your mouth and prevent bacterial infections such as gum disease, which can damage both natural and artificial teeth. It is also important to visit your dentist every 6 months for a professional clean and checkup, which can help identify problems before they become serious.

The quality of your dental implants will also have a big impact on their lifespan. It is important to choose a qualified and experienced cosmetic dentist who only uses high quality products. This will ensure your implants are correctly placed, allowing them to fuse properly with your jaw bone and providing the best possible results. It is also important to avoid compromising on cost by choosing a cheap dentist, as this may mean they use cheaper and lower quality materials or are less skilled and knowledgeable.

If you are looking for a permanent solution to missing teeth that will restore your confidence and allow you to eat, speak and smile normally again, full mouth dental implants are the ideal option. They look and feel like your natural teeth and can be used to replace all your upper or lower teeth. This procedure is very cost-effective, as the entire arch of replacement teeth can be implanted at the same time rather than an individual tooth at a time.

A dental implant is an excellent choice if you have severe or extensive gum disease or wear and tear due to chronic teeth grinding (bruxism). The only reason for failing teeth might be due to poor bone mass or other underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or cancer, but in these cases a bone graft would be necessary before having the implants fitted. The best way to determine if you are suitable for full mouth dental implants is to contact us for a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists.